Randy Barnby S2 Global

Randy thrives on sharing his entrepreneurial, innovative spirit and ideas with large, process-driven institutions. Where others find that frustrating, he finds it energizing. In his multi-decade pursuit in the world of heavily regulated international trade, he wants to ensure the next innovative product built on one continent can flow rapidly, securely, and compliantly to a consumer on another continent. As the Senior Director of Business Development, Randy helps organizations achieve breakthrough improvements in security, efficiency, revenue collection, and compliance through the deployment of the CertScan integration platform. When he's not busy helping people trade goods and services safely across international borders, Randy can be found gardening or fishing. Randy holds a Bachelor of Science degree in manufacturing engineering and is a certified project management professional.

Mardi, 10 octobre 2023

Time Session
Discours d’orientation générale de Randy Barnby, Directeur principal Stratégie et développement commercial, S2 Global, sponsor commercial de la Conférence
Randy Barnby Speaker S2 Global

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Time Session
Keynote speech by the Conference Corporate Sponsor
Randy Barnby Speaker S2 Global