Session C3: Unlocking the Power of Data Exchange: Maximizing Efficiency through the Use of the WCO Data Model

11 Oct 2023 16:30 17:25
Kagisho Ramatsa Moderator GEFEG mbH
Juan Diego Chavarria Speaker WCO
Donald Tan Speaker Singapore Customs
Eunelyky Ndhlovu Speaker Zambia Revenue Authority
Anton Eccles Speaker Customs Connect
Panagiotis Menoudakis Speaker Netcompany-Intrasoft

This session will explore the benefits of implementing the harmonized global standard, the WCO Data Model, for data exchange in Customs operations and other cross-border regulatory procedures. Participants will learn about the advantages of using a standardized framework for data exchange, including improved data quality, speed, interoperability, compliance, and analysis. The session will also focus on national implementation of the WCO Data Model, and how third-party tools and the new WCO Data Model App can facilitate the implementation and development of national My Information Packages.