Gordana Vidanovic WCO

Ms. Gordana Vidanović is a Technical Officer in the Procedures and Facilitation Sub-directorate of the World Customs Organization (WCO). She contributes to the work of the WCO Secretariat since April 2023. She is involved in the topics of Disruptive technologies, e-commerce, WCO data model, digital Customs and NII. Before joining the WCO Secretariat, Ms. Vidanović worked for several years at the Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the EU as a Customs Counselor. She has more than 20 years of experience in the Serbian Customs Administration where she has worked at the ICT Department and before joining the Mission of RS to the EU, she was the Head of the International Department.

Mercredi, 11 octobre 2023

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Time Session