Eunelyky Ndhlovu Zambia Revenue Authority

Eunelyky Ndhlovu holds the position of Manager - Systems Development and Implementation at Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA). Since joining ZRA in 2016, Eunelyky has helped develop many systems within and outside of ZRA. He is currently part of the Customs Data Exchange Team that has been tasked to build Customs-to-Customs data exchange solutions for ZRA. The Data Exchange Team has heavily relied on the WCO Data Model app for data matching and faster local My Information Package development. His team has also adopted the WCO Utility Block guidelines in the development of Your Export is My Entry (YEMI) solutions in the Southern Africa region. Before joining ZRA, Eunelyky worked for International Business Machines (IBM) as an Application Support Engineer. Eunelyky is a holder of the Bachelor of Computer Science from the University of Zambia.

Mercredi, 11 octobre 2023

Time Session
Kagisho Ramatsa Moderator GEFEG mbH
Juan Diego Chavarria Speaker WCO
Donald Tan Speaker Singapore Customs
Eunelyky Ndhlovu Speaker Zambia Revenue Authority
Anton Eccles Speaker Customs Connect
Eunelyky Ndhlovu Speaker Zambia Revenue Authority
Panagiotis Menoudakis Speaker Netcompany-Intrasoft

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Time Session
Kagisho Ramatsa Moderator GEFEG mbH
Juan Diego Chavarria Speaker WCO
Donald Tan Speaker Singapore Customs
Eunelyky Ndhlovu Speaker Zambia Revenue Authority
Anton Eccles Speaker Customs Connect
Panagiotis Menoudakis Speaker Netcompany-Intrasoft