Larry Liza serves as the Director of the World Customs Organization’s East & Southern Africa Regional Office for Capacity Building (WCO ESA ROCB) in-charge of implementing capacity building initiatives for 24 Member countries in the region. He has immense knowledge in the region and the globe in promoting trade facilitation and integration, revenue mobilization and modernization, enhancing security, compliance and enforcement, and in professionalism of human capital and partnerships. He is credited with successfully implementing the regional strategies while leveraging on talent and innovation, relationships building and creating partnerships. He has been at the WCO regional office, first as a Programme Officer since 2011, on secondment from Kenya Revenue Authority. Larry is also a Kenyan born writer, leader, diplomat, renowned poet and speaker. He has overseen various publications stemming from the region’s research programme. He is also the author of other bestselling books in Kenya. He is a global ambassador for the White Ribbon Alliance, championing maternal health across the globe.

Jeudi, 12 octobre 2023

Thursday, 12 October 2023