Donald Tan Singapore Customs

With nearly 20 years of Customs experience, Mr. Tan has a wealth of knowledge in various Customs domains, including risk management, Authorised Economic Operator program administration and Non-Intrusive Inspection operations. Mr. Tan is a former WCO Technical Attaché and an accredited WCO expert in the area of Single Window. Currently, Mr. Tan is part of Networked Trade Platform Office (NTPO) in Singapore Customs. The NTPO oversees the development and operation of the Networked Trade Platform (NTP), which supports Singapore’s digitalisation and international connectivity initiatives. He leads a team that is responsible for the development of new B2G and G2G services for the NTP.

Mardi, 10 octobre 2023

Time Session
Louise Wiggett Moderator Customs Connect
Vjeran Ortynski Speaker CargoX Ltd
Donald Tan Speaker Singapore Customs
Yazeed Albawardi Speaker Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority
Bader AlKharoosi Speaker Dubai Customs

Mercredi, 11 octobre 2023

Time Session
Kagisho Ramatsa Moderator GEFEG mbH
Juan Diego Chavarria Speaker WCO
Donald Tan Speaker Singapore Customs
Eunelyky Ndhlovu Speaker Zambia Revenue Authority
Anton Eccles Speaker Customs Connect
Eunelyky Ndhlovu Speaker Zambia Revenue Authority
Panagiotis Menoudakis Speaker Netcompany-Intrasoft

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Time Session
Louise Wiggett Moderator Customs Connect
Vjeran Ortynski Speaker CargoX Ltd
Donald Tan Speaker Singapore Customs
Yazeed Albawardi Speaker Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority
Bader AlKharoosi Speaker Dubai Customs

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Time Session
Kagisho Ramatsa Moderator GEFEG mbH
Juan Diego Chavarria Speaker WCO
Donald Tan Speaker Singapore Customs
Eunelyky Ndhlovu Speaker Zambia Revenue Authority
Anton Eccles Speaker Customs Connect
Panagiotis Menoudakis Speaker Netcompany-Intrasoft