Vishesh Kalia PwC

Vishesh Kalia
Vishesh is a Director at PwC with more than 11 years of experience in public safety strategy, technology design and project management projects. He has delivered mission-critical engagements for public and private sector clients spanning across domains such as physical security, customs, smart cities and oil & gas. He has been working across multiple regions such as the Middle East, APAC, South Asia, Africa, Americas, primarily for their strategy and transformation through digital initiatives. Vishesh has co-authored multiple thought leadership papers and has participated in various security and safety events across the globe.

Jeudi, 12 octobre 2023

Time Session
Vishesh Kalia Speaker PwC
Hans Pieters Moderator World Customs Organization
Junho Lee Speaker Korea Customs Service
Philippe Duponteil Speaker Directorate General Taxation and Customs Union, EU
Fayez Maarrawi Speaker DP World

Thursday, 12 October 2023

Time Session
Hans Pieters Moderator World Customs Organization
Junho Lee Speaker Korea Customs Service
Philippe Duponteil Speaker Directorate General Taxation and Customs Union, EU
Vishesh Kalia Speaker PwC
Fayez Maarrawi Speaker DP World