Philippe Duponteil Directorate General Taxation and Customs Union, EU

Philippe Duponteil (French) is an EU Senior Official, currently Director for customs duties and the digital transformation of customs and taxation policy at the European Commission’ Directorate General for EU customs and taxation (TAXUD). Prior to his current function, he worked as Director at the EC’s Joint Research Centre supporting EU policy making (JRC) and before that held various positions at the EC’s Directorate General for trade policy (TRADE) including as Head of Division, responsible for leading EU international trade negotiations with China, Japan and Korea. He has served as Minister-Counsellor at the EU Delegation in Japan. A specialist in international relations and global economic issues, prior to joining the European Commission in 1995, he served in the Office of the French Prime Minister and at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Philippe Duponteil holds a MA of the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris in Political Sciences, a MAS in International Foresight from the University of Paris Descartes and a Master Degree in Global Human Resources Management from Kingston University.

Jeudi, 12 octobre 2023

Time Session
Vishesh Kalia Speaker PwC
Hans Pieters Moderator World Customs Organization
Junho Lee Speaker Korea Customs Service
Philippe Duponteil Speaker Directorate General Taxation and Customs Union, EU
Fayez Maarrawi Speaker DP World

Mercredi, 11 octobre 2023

Time Session
Dietmar Jost Speaker Global Express Association
Yoshiro Baba Speaker Japan Customs
Philippe Duponteil Speaker Directorate General Taxation and Customs Union, EU
Siva Gunesparan Speaker GUUD Singapore
Alexander de Voet Speaker Accenture Border Services

Thursday, 12 October 2023

Time Session
Hans Pieters Moderator World Customs Organization
Junho Lee Speaker Korea Customs Service
Philippe Duponteil Speaker Directorate General Taxation and Customs Union, EU
Vishesh Kalia Speaker PwC
Fayez Maarrawi Speaker DP World

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Time Session
Dietmar Jost Moderator Global Express Association
Yoshiro Baba Speaker Japan Customs
Philippe Duponteil Speaker Directorate General Taxation and Customs Union, EU
Siva Gunesparan Speaker GUUD Singapore
Alexander de Voet Speaker Accenture Border Services