Chamroeun San General Department of Customs of Cambodia

Chamroeun San
Mr. Chamroeun San, as a Deputy Chief of Data and Statistics Office under Department of Information Technology of the General Department of Customs and Excise of Cambodia, mainly involved with Data Technologies, International Merchandize Trade Statistics, Customs Procedures and Automation. He has been working for Cambodian Customs since 2014. Currently, he is working with statisticians and IT experts to build and maintain a Customs Statistics and Data Processing System.

Mardi, 10 octobre 2023

Time Session
Mazen Abu Alghanam Moderator Webb Fontaine Group
Denis Dujmic Speaker S2 Global
Chamroeun San Speaker General Department of Customs of Cambodia
Ashley Bell Speaker Australian Border Force

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Time Session
Mazen Abu Alghanam Moderator Webb Fontaine Group
Chamroeun San Speaker General Department of Customs of Cambodia
Denis Dujmic Speaker S2 Global
Ashley Bell Speaker Australian Border Force